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DRM Information

To prevent illegal distribution and sharing every video requires a DRM license for playback which can only be obtained by RussianGuysFeet.Com members.

DRM is Digital Rights Management and it's made to protect copyrighted materials.

Digital Rights for Adobe Flash files can be obtained by Windows & Macintosh users.

Our DRM has no time limits. You will be able to view videos even after your membership expires. Unless you make dramatic changes of your hard- or software.

Enter your RussianGuysFeet.Com username and password when prompted.

Video Playback Manual

If you prefer to download videos and watch them on your PC, please follow these instructions:

  1. Update your browser to the latest version.
  2. Update your Flash Player to the latest version on Adobe.Com official site. Restart your browser after the installation.
  3. Download and install Adobe Air.
  4. Download and install EZDRM Air Player.
  5. Please be sure that *.FLV and *.F4V file extensions are associated with EZDRM Air Player (scroll down for help). Or you can use "ADD to PLAYLIST" menu item in EZDRM Air Player to locate and open video file.

If you prefer to watch videos online (within your browser), you have to follow only steps 1 and 2 mentioned above and enter your RussianGuysFeet.Com username and password when prompted.

Windows: How to Associate Flash Files to play in EZDRM Air Player

Bla Bla Bla

Macintosh: How to Associate Flash Files to play in EZDRM Air Player

Bla Bla Bla

Contact Information

Please use our Contact Page. We will answer you back as fast as possible.

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